Information about registration for trials

Registration must be done from "Mit RJK" (My RJK)

Registration of your dog

Before you register for a trial, your dog must be registered here on the website. You do this by clicking on "Tilføj hund" (Add dog) under "Mine hunde"(My dogs).

Be careful to fill in all data on the dog exactly as it appears on the pedigree.

"Se the guide on how to fill out the form below" 

Register for trials

When you want to register for a trial, you select the dog you want to register and click on "Tilmeld" (Register)

Select the trial you want to register and remember to add a "fører" (handler) if the owner is not the handler.

Then, click on "Tilmeld og betal" (Register and Pay)

The registration deadline is 14 days before the date of the trial. All dogs must be registered before the deadline in order to participate in the trial. At some trials there is a limited number of participants. The trial catalogue shows the number of participants.

.If the registered number of participants exceeds the limit, participants will be placed based on a random draw which happens automatically from the system immediately after the registration deadline has expired.

Payment of the trial fee can be made with most credit cards.

In "Mine tilmeldinger" (My registrations) you can see which trials you have registered for. You can unregister your dog up until the time of the deadline if you regret your registration. Cancellations after the registration period has expired, must be made to the steward of the trial and the trial fee will only be refunded in the event of a heat or illness of the dog/handler.

If you have problems with registration via the website, please contact  Henrik Møller on phone +4540598003 / email

You cannot register after the registration deadline has expired.  The only exceptions are Field Trial where the maximum number of participants has not been filled in. In such cases, vacancies will be advertised on the website.

Qualification for working tests and field trials

All dogs (Danish and foreign) must be qualified via RJK's rules in order to participate in the club's trials. 

The only exceptions are Field Trial Open Stake (Vinderklasse markprøve) : 
Qualification for this is a certificate in Field Trial Novice Stake (Åben klasse markprøve) in RJK  or equivalent merit in another domestic or foreign FCI recognized club

For the record, participation in trials require membership of RJK.


VInderklasse markprøve = Field Trial Open stake 
Åben klasse markprøve = Field Trial Novice stake